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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Ronn Couillard's Visit to Tulare-Kings Writers Group

You missed a great meeting. We learned a lot about Mr. Couillard, his life, and how his investigation and prosecution of the Coin Dealer's Murderer turned into a book.

Mr. Couillard was a prosecuting attorney and the ADA for Tulare County as well as a Superior Court Judge. In these capacities he observed many interesting cases and unusual characters. His hobby was making many notes about both.

He joined the Exeter Writer's Group, and his notes became a book. He confessed to being a two-finger typist.

He found a publisher through an article in the newspaper about another author who wrote a book about something that happened in Tulare County. As a computer novice, he was stumped by some of the requests by the publisher who was interested in his books.

He'd written the book in Word Perfect and it wasn't completely compatible with Word, so he had to transfer it and make lots of changes.

The book is now titled, Murder in Visalia--The Coin Dealer Killer. It will be available in October at Costco and all the usual places.

For those of you who'd like to come to one of these meetings, mark your calendar for the third Saturday of every month.

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Coin Dealer Murder

At our next meeting, Ronn Couillard will be our speaker.

Governor George Deukmejian appointed Ronn to the Tulare County Superior Court in 1987. He served there until his recent retirement. Our speaker will be Ronn Couillard

Upon graduation from Downey High School, Ronn Couillard joined the United States Marine Corps.  After active duty, he continued service in the Marine Reserve.  Ronn was graduated from Compton College, California State University at Los Angeles, and Southwestern University School of Law.  

He served as Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles County and then entered private law practice.  Ronn taught criminal law and criminal procedure at Western State University College of Law. He authored the textbook California Criminal Procedures and other legal publications.  

Ronn became Assistant District Attorney for Tulare County. In this position he oversaw all criminal filings and trials, and personally prosecuted selected high-profile cases.

He will tell us about his involvement in the Coin Dealer Murder.

When: Saturday, April 15, 10 a.m.

Where: Blue Room, Tulare County Library, Oak St., Visalia